Hadron Spectroscopy with Lattice QCD

16 Oct 2023, 10:00


Prof. John Bulava (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)


The current status and challenges of computing the spectrum of hadrons from lattice QCD are reviewed. While determinations of QCD-stable hadron
masses routinely achieve percent-level accuracy, the situation for resonances and shallow bound states is more difficult since they must be identified as poles in the scattering matrix analytically continued to complex center-of-mass energies. In addition to typical lattice QCD issues like finite-volume and cutoff effects, scale setting, and tuning the quark masses to the physical point, computations of scattering amplitudes face additional challenges, such as the treatment of multi-hadron states and the inference of infinite-volume amplitudes from finite-volume energies. Despite this, some recent milestones reviewed in this talk include lattice investigations of doubly-heavy tetraquarks, dibaryons, and the first coupled channel meson-baryon scattering amplitude in the Lambda(1405) channel.

Parallel Session Invited Plenary Talk

Primary author

Prof. John Bulava (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Presentation materials