30 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
Alte Mensa
Europe/Berlin timezone

Three-Body Cs(H$_2$,$\gamma$)La Nuclear Synthesis in Cuboctahedron CsH$_2$Pd$_{12}$

3 Aug 2023, 15:35
AudiMax (Alte Mensa)


Alte Mensa


Shinsho Oryu (Tokyo University of Science)


S. Oryu, T. Watanabe, and Y. Hiratsuka
Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba 278-8510 Japan

Three-body ${\rm CsH_2}$ eigenvalues in a cuboctahedron CsH$_2$Pd$_{12}$ molecule are calculated in the range from 0.01fm to several ten nano-meter in one stretch, by using 100 significant figure. We utilized five traditional potentials (nuclear Woods-Saxon, three-ion repulsive Coulomb, ion-Pd repulsive Coulomb, electron-ion-Pd effective, nuclear three-body short range) [1] and added a nuclear three-body long range force (3BLF) [2].
The electron's degrees of freedom are frozen for the three-body calculation. However, parameters of electron-ion-Pd effective potential are fitted to energies of $E_{\rm gd}^{\rm mol}$ and $E_{\rm 1st}^{\rm mol}$ which were obtained by the electron based Kohn-Sham equation. Several three-body resonance states are obtained, where the nuclear three-body La resonances strongly interfere with the three-body CsH$_2$ molecular resonances. We found that the E2 transition times from four ion oscillation (IOS) states $J^\pi=7/2^+$ to the La ground state $J^\pi=7/2^+$ are very short with $\tau\approx10^{-1}\sim10^{-6}$[sec], for the five traditional potentials and $\tau\approx10^{-2}\sim 10^{-8}$[sec] for the six potentials. For the the CsH$_2$ ground state $\tau\sim10^{24}$[sec] and the first excited state $\tau\sim10^{4}$[sec] which are very stable. Our ultra-low energy critical values $C_{low}$= (density)$\times$(energy)$\times$(duration-time)= $7.50\times 10^{5}$[sec$\cdot$Pa$]\sim$$1.75\times 10^{10}$[sec$\cdot$Pa] are almost the same as the critical values of thermal nuclear fusion: $C_{high}$= (density)$\times$(energy)$\times$(duration-time)=$1.16\times 10^6$[sec$\cdot$Pa] or more.

[1] T. Watanabe, Y. Hiratsuka, M. Takeda, S. Oryu, N. Watari, H. Kakigami, I. Toyoda, J. Phys. Commun. {6} 045003 (2022).\
[2] Shinsho Oryu, J. Phys. Commun. {6} 015009 (2022).

Primary author

Shinsho Oryu (Tokyo University of Science)

Presentation materials