July 30, 2023 to August 4, 2023
Alte Mensa
Europe/Berlin timezone

Survey on Diversity Charter of NuPECC

ECFA, NuPECC and APPEC recognize the importance of diversity as a motor to boost productivity and innovation, fight prejudice and discrimination and contribute to the improvement of social and economical standards.

The three organizations joined together to propose a Diversity Charter to be signed by research organizations, collaborations and conferences within the fields of Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Astroparticle Physics, who value diversity and commit to promote equal opportunities at all levels.

In a first phase, diversity within the different signatories will be monitored. To simplify the task of monitoring for all partners involved, a survey has been made available to be filled out on a voluntary and anonymous basis by affiliated people and participants to the signatories.

We kindly ask you to support the study with your participation for the survey. The questionnaire takes about 2 minutes to fill. There will be absolutely no coupling between the person who fills the form and the information used and disseminated by the consortia.

Please use the password 2019JENAS to start the Survey on Diversity.