30 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
Alte Mensa
Europe/Berlin timezone

Universality in low-dimensional three-body systems

31 Jul 2023, 15:15
AudiMax (Alte Mensa)


Alte Mensa


Prof. Maxim Efremov (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Quantum Technologies)


We study a heavy–heavy–light three-body system confined to one or two space dimensions. Both the binding energies and corresponding wave functions are obtained for (i) no heavy-heavy interaction and (ii) a finite-range heavy-light interaction potential. We demonstrate that when the two-body ground-state energy approaches zero, the three-body bound states display a universal behavior, independent of the shape of the interaction potential [1, 2, 3]. Moreover, in this limit the three-body binding energies and wave functions are shown to converge to the respective ones found in the case of the zero-range interaction.

In addition, we explore the regime where the heavy–light subsystems have a weakly bound excited state [4]. The associated two-body system is characterized by (i) the structure of the weakly-bound excited heavy–light state and (ii) the presence of deeply-bound heavy–light states. The consequences of these aspects for the behavior of the three-body system are analyzed. We find a strong indication for universal behavior of both three-body binding energies and wave functions for different weakly-bound excited states in the heavy–light subsystems.

[1] L. Happ, M. Zimmermann, S.I. Betelu, W.P. Schleich, and M.A. Efremov, Universality in a one dimensional three-body system, Phys. Rev. A. 100, 012709 (2019)
[2] L. Happ and M.A. Efremov, Proof of universality in one-dimensional few-body systems including anisotropic interactions, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 21LT01 (2021)
[3] J. Thies, M.T. Hof, M. Zimmermann, and M.A. Efremov, Tensor Product Scheme for Computing Bound States of the Quantum Mechanical Three-Body Problem, Journal of Computational Science 64, 101859 (2022)
[4] L. Happ, M. Zimmermann, and M.A. Efremov, Universality of excited three-body bound states in one dimension, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55, 015301 (2022)

Primary author

Prof. Maxim Efremov (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Quantum Technologies)

Presentation materials