Uncovering new-physics signals in nucleons and nuclei with lattice QCD

16 Oct 2023, 14:00
Edith Stein Raum

Edith Stein Raum


Zohreh Davoudi


In this talk, I will discuss opportunities for Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) in the research frontier in fundamental symmetries and signals for new physics. LQCD, in synergy with effective field theories and nuclear many-body studies, provides theoretical support to ongoing and planned experimental programs using nucleonic and nuclear targets, including searches for electric dipole moments of the nucleon, nuclei and atoms, decay of the proton, neutron-antineutron oscillations, neutrinoless double-β decay of a nucleus, conversion of muon to electron, and direct dark-matter detection, among others. I will comment on research priorities for the program for the upcoming years, and elaborates on the areas that will likely demand a high degree of innovation in both numerical and analytical frontiers of the LQCD research.

Parallel Session Fundamental Symmetries / New Physics Searches

Primary author

Zohreh Davoudi

Presentation materials