Constraining the Two-Nucleon Force in Chiral EFT from Three-Nucleon Data

17 Oct 2023, 12:30
St Lioba Raum

St Lioba Raum


Sven Heihoff (TP II, Ruhr University Bochum)


In previous works, the two-nucleon potential has been successfully determined to a high-precision level in the framework of chiral effective field theory. Nonetheless, there are still some free parameters of this potential, which cannot be extracted from two-nucleon data. The goal of the work presented in this talk is to adjust these parameters using three-nucleon data. Because of the high computational cost of three-nucleon scattering calculations, the scattering amplitude will be obtained using an emulator. The performance of this emulator will be investigated and discussed. This study does not only contribute to a better understanding of three-nucleon scattering data but may also improve ab-initio calculations of few- and many-body systems.

Parallel Session Few-Body Systems

Primary authors

Evgeny Epelbaum (Ruhr University Bochum) Sven Heihoff (TP II, Ruhr University Bochum)

Presentation materials