Low-energy constants in the chiral Lagrangian with baryon octet and decuplet fields from Lattice QCD data on CLS ensembles

Not scheduled
St Lioba Raum

St Lioba Raum


Matthias F.M. Lutz (GSI)


We perform an analysis of Lattice QCD data on baryon octet and decuplet masses based on the chiral SU(3) Lagrangian. Low-energy constants (LEC) are adjusted to describe baryon masses from a large set of CLS ensembles, where finite-box and discretization effects are considered. The set is successfully compared against previous Lattice QCD data from ensembles generated with distinct QCD actions by the ETMC, QCDSF-UKQCD and HSC groups. Discretization effects are modelled by the use of action and lattice-scale dependent leading orders LEC, where uniform values are imposed in the limit of vanishing lattice scales. From the CLS data set we extract a pion-nucleon sigma term,
σ_πN = 58.7(1.2) MeV, compatible with its empirical value.

Parallel Session Low-Energy Nucleon Structure

Primary author

Matthias F.M. Lutz (GSI)


Yonggoo Heo Xiao-Yu Guo

Presentation materials