Poster Session: Student Poster Jamboree (3 min talks)
- Thomas Richardson
Poster Session: Poster Session with wine and cheese
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In the present talk, we present a molecular nature of the charmed strange $D_{s0}^*(2317)$ state. The $D_{s0}^*(2317)$ state has a mass approximately 40 MeV below the $D^0K^+$ threshold, and the upper limit of the width is known to be $3.8$ MeV. Its favorable spin-parity assignment is believed to be $J^P=0^+$, the parity conservation being assumed. Since $D_{s0}^*(2317)$ only decays into the...
A general three-body interaction could be generated by the two-body linear and nonlinear interactions which could appear in the very short and in the long range regions, although the three-body Faddeev equation is written in terms of a two-body linear interaction.
However, in the very short range, many meson or multi quark/gluon exchanges may take place which are taken into account by a...
Fatima Benrachi and Nadjet Laouet
LPMPS Laboratory, Frères Mentouri Constantine-1 University, Constantine (Algeria)
With their few proton and neutron particles, the A=80 isobars, numbering about twelve nuclei distributed from the proton-rich side to the neutron-rich one, are of a great importance in nuclear structure studies. These nuclides are found...
Low-energy antiprotons are known to be promising tools to probe the nuclear structure [1]. In particular, the measurement of antiprotonic atom decays and nucleon-antinucleon annihilation products is expected to provide reliable data to study the tail of nuclear densities, which has motivated the antiProton Unstable Matter Annihilation (PUMA) project [2] at CERN. Although a qualitative picture...
Despite a century after the discovery of neutrons by E. Rutherford, few details are known for sure about this particle. For example, neutron halos, prototypical examples of the quantum realm, were discovered a few decades ago from indirect measurements. In an ambitious attempt, the PUMA experiment at CERN [1] will use the antiproton's unique property, i.e., the annihilation process's...
In this work, we investigate elastic neutron scattering on $^4$He within the context of baryonic effective field theory, specifically focusing on the $J^\pi = \frac{1}{2}^+$ channel. By employing the stochastic variational method, we solve the 5-body problem without making any prior assumptions about system clusterization. Our calculated scattering length and effective range exhibit excellent...
Extensive research has been conducted in recent years to determine the accurate atomic data and uncertainties associated, as they are crucial for interpreting a large amount of high-resolution data obtained by astrophysicists. In other way, the need for this research is primarily due to the upcoming ITER project (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), which requires precise and...
Chiral effective field theory ($\chi$EFT) is an approach to describe the force between nucleons as arising from the more fundamental principles of quantum chromodynamics. A vital part is to have a power counting (PC) that describes the relative importance of the EFT order-by-order contributions to nuclear observables. The definition of the PC is not unique, and the fact that nuclear systems...
The generalized contact formalism is an effective tool for describing short range correlations in the atomic nucleus and their impact of different observables. Working within the equal time formalism, in this contribution we examine the impact of Lorentz boost on the predictive power of the theory.
We explore the Borromean states of a one-dimensional quantum three-body system composed of two identical heavy particles and a different particle of smaller mass. There is no heavy-heavy interaction potential and no bound state supported by the heavy-light one. The three-body spectrum and corresponding wave-functions are calculated numerically within the Faddeev approach. In addition, we have...
We present the study of the inclusive photo-disintegration reaction $\gamma + {}^{9}\mathrm{Be} \to \alpha + \alpha + n$ at low-energy regime, including calculations of the $\alpha\alpha n$ three-body binding energy of $^9\textrm{Be}$ and the reaction cross section. The inverse process of the ${}^{9}\mathrm{Be}$ photo-disintegration, including both sequential and direct reactions combining...
Recent global analysis of Fermi decays within a dispersion relation framework and the corresponding $V_{ud}$ determination have revealed tension with the Standard Model (SM) expectation of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix unitarity, theoretical confirmation of which would indicate a deficiency within the SM weak sector. Extracting $V_{ud}$ requires electroweak radiative corrections...
In previous works, the two-nucleon potential has been successfully determined to a high-precision level in the framework of chiral effective field theory. Nonetheless, there are still some free parameters of this potential, which cannot be extracted from two-nucleon data. The goal of the work presented in this talk is to adjust these parameters using three-nucleon data. Because of the high...
Neutron stars are among the most exotic and extreme objects in the universe, consisting primarily of neutrons packed together at incredibly high densities. In the inner crust of these stars, the neutrons are believed to form a superfluid. In this superfluid, the nuclei (clusters of protons and neutrons) are thought to be immersed and interact with the surrounding neutrons. The study of these...
A topic of high interest in the field of cold atoms and molecules is the crossover from a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superfluid with loosely bound Cooper pairs to a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of tightly bound dimers (molecules). While the crossover can be investigated experimentally near Feshbach resonances, there is a lack of analytical solutions providing insights into the crossover...
We investigate the spin-entanglement in few-particle scattering following the analysis carried out by Beane et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 102001 (2019)]. Our calculations are focused on the entanglement entropies of scattering processes involving Spin-1/2 and Spin-1 particles.
The entropies are evaluated using scattering data for neutron-proton and neutron-deuteron scattering and, taking into...
Proton-drip line nuclei offer significant information about nuclear structure and nucleon-nucleon interaction. Their positions, far from beta stability and close to the astrophysical rp-process path, give them a great importance in both theoretical and experimental studies. This provides the opportunity develop our knowledge about nuclear systems and lead to improve the theoretical nuclear...
Extensive and precise investigations have been conducted on lithium-like neon, iron, and krypton, focusing on the energy levels, wavelengths, weighted oscillator strengths, transition rates, line intensity ratios, and plasma parameters of their lowest 35 odd and even parity states arising from the $1s^2nl (n = 1−6,0 ≤ l ≤ n−1)$ configurations. Accurate atomic data determination is considered...
Lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations of few nucleon systems started a new era of ab-initio predictions in nuclear physics. To obtain physical quantities, the finite-volume LQCD numerical results have to be extrapolated to free space. This extrapolation is traditionally performed using the Lüscher formula for the two-body case and its generalizations to larger systems. Recently,...
Light nuclei at the driplines exhibit fascinating phenomena, such as the formation of diluted structures where a tightly-bound core is surrounded by a halo of one or more weakly-bound nucleons. Among them, $^8$He is the only four-neutron halo, and it is the most exotic nucleus on Earth, having the largest neutron-to-proton ratio in the nuclear chart (N/Z = 3). This makes it an interesting...
We report progress on calculations of the heavy-light baryons $\Sigma_c$ and $\Lambda_c$ and their excitations with $J^P=1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ using functional methods. The three-quark Faddeev equations are reduced to two-body equations by employing a covariant quark-diquark approach. The interaction amounts to a quark exchange between quarks and effective diquarks, and the ingredients are...
In our contribution, we shall discuss our work at the interface of nuclear ab initio theory and nuclear density functional theory (DFT).
DFT is a powerful and versatile method in nuclear structure theory, with a wealth of application to ground state and collective excitations over the whole nuclear chart, as well as infinite nuclear matter [1].
The key object on which DFT is based on is...
We study the apparent disagreement between experimental measurement of three-body observables in ultracold lithium-7 and the predictions of universal theory, which has shown to be generally accurate in describing the other alkali-metals. For this purpose, we apply a sophisticated numerical approach based on an expansion and subsequent diagonalisation of the full three-body Hamiltonian in...
Spectroscopy experiments in muonic atoms allow for the extraction of the nuclear charge radii of the lightest nuclei with unprecedented precision. The measurement of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen [1] and the related emergence of the proton radius puzzle have motivated an experimental campaign devoted to other light muonic atoms, such as muonic deuterium [2] and helium [3]. For these...
It is well known that exactly solvable models play an extremely important role in many fields of quantum physics. After the discovery of graphene in 2004 the study of a few particle systems in novel 2D materials became very important [1]. We consider two particles problem in three-dimensional (3D) coordinates space that are exactly solvable for a given central two-particle interaction V(r)...
Halo nuclei are fascinating short-lived nuclear objects found near the dripline.
In standard reaction models, halo nuclei are usually described as an inert core with one or two weakly bound neutrons. However, some breakup data suggest that the excitation of the core to its excited states to have a significant influence in the dynamics of the reaction [1]. In order to shed more light on this...
An adequate probe to investigate detailed characteristics of the Three Nucleon Forces (3NFs) is few-nucleon scattering experiment. Comparison between high-precision data in few-nucleon scattering (differential cross sections, various spin observables) and theoretical predictions based on rigorous numerical calculations enable us to extract information within the nuclear force. From an...
The $d(\alpha,\gamma ){^6\textrm{Li}}$ reaction that produces ${^6\textrm{Li}}$ was the primitive reaction in the standard BBN framework. As a consequence of the importance of the reaction, we study the radiative capture process of deuteron on alpha through the cluster Effective Field Theory. In detail, we outline the calculation of the amplitude and S-factor of the capture process leading to...
In the consistent approach, total cross-sections and reaction rates of radiative neutron capture on lithium isotopes $^{6-8}$Li in the temperature range from 0.01 to 10 $T$$_9$ within the framework of the modified potential cluster model (MPCM) with forbidden states are considered [1-3]. These reactions are of significant astrophysical interest as a part of the chain of primordial...
Scattering length is one of the most useful parameters used to describe low-energy electron-atom and positron-atom collisions. It is defined as a radius of a hard sphere in the zero-energy total cross section, where the sign represents the type of interaction: it is positive for repulsion and negative for attraction. Such data is mainly used in low-temperature systems such as Bose-Einstein...
In the last decades, exotic few-body atoms, in which an electron is replaced by an exotic particle, have attracted great scientific interest. These systems are indeed very useful to determine accurately the properties of their constituting exotic particles (e.g. antiprotons or mesons). For instance, an antiproton can be captured by a helium atom in a high orbital momentum state (typically L =...
The gravitational form factors (GFFs) of the nucleon encode information on the structure of the mass, spin, and mechanical properties. In this talk, we present results from a recent investigation on the GFFs of the nucleon in flavor SU(3) symmetry, highlighting the flavor structure of the GFFs within the framework of the SU(3) pion mean-field approach. We show how much momentum fraction of the...
We study three-charge-particle low-energy elastic collision and particle-exchange reaction with special attention to the systems with Coulomb and an additional nuclear interaction employing a close-coupling expansion scheme to a set of coupled two-component few-body equations [1,2]. First we apply our formulation to compute low-energy elastic scattering phase shifts for the d+(t$\mu^-)_{1s}$...
In this talk, we present the results of a recent investigation on the behavior of the charge distributions of the $\Delta$ baryon,both unpolarized and transversely polarized, as a function of longitudinal momentum ($P_z$) in a Wigner phase-space perspective. Specifically, we examine how the charge distributions change as $P_z$ increases from 0 to $\infty$. We find that the charge...