Three-body recombination between helium and silver atoms is studied using hyperspherical coordinates. The three-body Schrodinger equation, represented in the slow variable discretized approach at short distances and in the adiabatic method at large distances [1] and using the potential-energy surface represented as the addition of realistic He-He and He-Ag pair interaction potentials [2][3], is solved using the $R$-matrix propagation method [4], in order to numerically calculate the three-body recombination rates for the the He+He+Ag$\rightarrow$He$_2$+Ag and He+He+Ag$\rightarrow$HeAg+He processes. Not only zero-angular momentum $J=0$ states but also nonzero $J>0$ states are considered in the calculations, allowing for treating the recombination processes at collision energies beyond the threshold regime. The results of our calculations will be presented and discussed.
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