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Nils Asmussen
- Speaker at HLbL lattice: Mainz results
Maurice Benayoun
- Speaker at Update on the HLS model
Tom Blum
- Speaker at HLbL lattice: RBC results
Mattia Bruno
- Speaker at Tau decays comparison
Carlo Carloni Calame
- Speaker at MUonE status: theory and experiment
Gilberto Colangelo
- Speaker at DR overview (UConn review)
- Speaker at Final whitepaper discussion on HLbL
- Speaker at Whitepaper discussion pion TFF and pion pole
Francesca Curciarello
- Speaker at KLOE 2 status of \gamma \gamma^* \to \pi^0
- Henryk Czyż
Igor Danilkin
- Speaker at DR $\gamma^*\gamma^* \to \pi\pi$
Michel Davier
- Speaker at HVP DR: tension in experimental inputs
- Speaker at Whitepaper discussion on HVP
Eduardo de Rafael
- Speaker at Mellin-Barnes approach
Simon Eidelman
- Speaker at HVP DR experimental input status and outlook (overview)
- Speaker at Whitepaper discussion on HVP
Aida El-Khadra
- Speaker at HVP overview (KEK review)
- Speaker at Whitepaper discussion on HVP
Christian Fischer
- Speaker at DSE/BSE-framework for HLbL and PS TFF
Antoine Gérardin
- Speaker at Pion TFF lattice: Mainz results
Davide Giusti
- Speaker at Discussion on HVP lattice finite-volume effects
- Speaker at HVP lattice finite-volume corrections
Vera Gülpers
- Speaker at Discussion on HVP lattice isospin-breaking effects
- Speaker at HVP lattice isospin breaking effects
- Franziska Hagelstein
Masashi Hayakawa
- Speaker at Disconnected beyond 2+2
Martin Hoferichter
- Speaker at HLbL DR: short-distance constraints
- Speaker at HVP 2pi channel and pion form factor
Bai Long Hoid
- Speaker at DR pion TFF / pion pole
Taku Izubuchi
- Speaker at HLbL lattice and truncation error in DR
Luchang Jin
- Speaker at Pion TFF lattice: RBC results
David Kawall
- Speaker at Fermilab experiment status
Alex Keshavarzi
- Speaker at HVP DR status KNT
Marina Krstic Marinkovic
- Speaker at MUonE: how can lattice contribute?
- Ilya Larin
Christoph Lehner
- Speaker at Final whitepaper discussion on HLbL
- Speaker at HVP lattice status report RBC/UKQCD
- Speaker at Whitepaper discussion HLbL lattice
- Laurent Lellouch
Bogdan Malaescu
- Speaker at Discussion on HVP DR
- Speaker at HVP DR propagation of uncertainty
- Speaker at HVP DR status DHMZ
Harvey Meyer
- Speaker at Finite volume effects
- Speaker at HVP lattice status report Mainz
Tsutomu Mibe
- Speaker at JPARC experiment update
Kohtaroh Miura
- Speaker at HVP lattice status report BMW
Andreas Nyffeler
- Speaker at Final whitepaper discussion on HLbL
- Speaker at HLbL lattice overview (UConn review)
- Speaker at Whitepaper discussion dispersion relations
- Antonin Portelli
Christoph Redmer
- Speaker at BESIII status of \gamma \gamma^* \to \pi^0
Pablo Roig
- Speaker at DSE approach to PS poles in HLbL
Pablo Sanchez-Puertas
- Speaker at Padé approach to PS poles in HLbL
Karl Schilcher
- Speaker at Hybrid approach
Silvano Simula
- Speaker at HVP lattice status report ETMC
Evgeny Solodov
- Speaker at HVP DR experiment Novosibirsk
Dominik Steffen
- Speaker at COMPASS status (REMOTE TALK)
Peter Stoffer
- Speaker at HLbL DR Partial wave contributions
Thomas Teubner
- Speaker at Discussion on HVP DR
- Speaker at HVP DR propagation of uncertainty
- Speaker at Whitepaper discussion on HVP
Szymon Tracz
- Speaker at MC for HVP DR radiative corrections
Ruth Van de Water
- Speaker at HVP lattice status report FNAL/HPQCD/MILC
- Georg von Hippel
g-2 Workshop
- Speaker at Welcome