18 Oct 2023, 09:00


Paolo Giubellino


The construction of FAIR is proceeding rapidly. The tunnel for the SIS 100 accelerator is complete, and the realization of the experimental halls advances. The installation of the technical infrastructure is in full swing. The components of the accelerators of the future facility are in production and are arriving progressively on the campus of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum for Heavy-Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany. The installation of magnets in the tunnels will start in early 2024. The experimental collaborations are actively preparing for the first experiments, adapting their program to the progressive, stepwise realization of the facility. While the full science potential of FAIR can only be harvested once the new suite of accelerators and storage rings is completed and operational, some of the detectors and instrumentation are already available and are used for a precursor science program called FAIR Phase-0, exploiting also the significantly upgraded GSI accelerator chain. The program has started in the summer of 2019 and continues with a few months of beam time per year. The progress of the FAIR realization and the prospects of science at FAIR will be presented.

Primary author

Paolo Giubellino

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