The long standing discrepancy between the measured value of the muon anomalous magnetic moment ($a_\mu$) and its theoretical prediction in the Standard Model has reached the 5 sigma level after the last Fermilab measurement. This has kept the evaluation of the leading hadronic contribution to $a_\mu$ $(a_\mu^{HLO})$ under constant scrutiny, because it dominates the theoretical uncertainty. The canonical evaluation exploits dispersion relations and the optical theorem and uses $e^+e^- \rightarrow hadrons$ cross sections time-like data. Lately, the scenario became extremely puzzling after the publication of CMD-3 hadronic cross-section data and because first-principle QCD lattice calculations of $a_\mu^{HLO}$ bring $a_\mu$ closer to its experimental value.
In this context, the MUonE Project aims at an independent and novel evaluation of $a_\mu^{HLO}$ by measuring the hadronic correction to the running of the QED coupling constant in the space-like region by scattering 160 GeV muons (available at the CERN M2 beam line) on electrons in a fixed target.
The talk will review the key concepts and ideas behind the MUonE experiment and will report about the on-going experimental and theoretical efforts to reach the challenging $10^{-5}$ ppm accuracy required by the experiment. Furthermore, an overview of the recent Test Run at CERN will be presented and the future plans for MUonE will be discussed.
Parallel Session | Future Facilities and Directions |