The 16th edition of the "International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon" (MENU 2023) is organized on October 16-20, 2023 by the Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and will be held at Erbacher Hof, a historic building from the 12th century formerly belonging to a monastery and now serving the diocese of Mainz as an educational center.
Join us via Zoom: (Meeting ID: 957 1085 5955, Passcode: menu2023)
Note that our parallel sessions are in the same Zoom with break-out rooms.
Scam warning:
Please be aware of potential scams claiming to make housing reservations on your behalf. We were made aware of some participants receiving such messages from "" or similar addresses. Please ignore such emails and do not reply, click shared links, or provide your credit card information.

© Erbacher Hof. Used with permission.