8–12 Aug 2022
Alte Mensa
Europe/Berlin timezone

Preliminary results for DFSZ axion definitive searches at IBS-CAPP

8 Aug 2022, 10:00
Alte Mensa

Alte Mensa

Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 3, 55128 Mainz.


Mr Andrew Kunwoo Yi (KAIST, IBS-CAPP)


The CAPP-12TB experiment is a microwave cavity search for dark matter axions at IBS-CAPP in KAIST. The system consists of a superconducting solenoid with a bore size of 320 mm and a maximum field of 12 T at the magnet center, a cryogenic dilution fridge with physical temperatures around 30 mK with the cavity load, and a nearly quantum-limited noise Josephson parametric amplifier. The copper cavity has a large volume (37 L) and an unloaded Q-factor around 100,000 along its frequency range tuned by a copper rod. We report the first preliminary results of the experiment which excludes the Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitskii (DFSZ) axion model for the mass range 4.51 μeV (1.09 GHz) to 4.59 μeV (1.11 GHz) at a 90% confidence level. The CAPP-12TB experiment will continue its search for DFSZ axions over a wider range of axion masses.

Primary author

Mr Andrew Kunwoo Yi (KAIST, IBS-CAPP)

Presentation materials