We will present new ideas and research programs underway at UWA related to searching for axion dark matter over various mass ranges. This includes but is not limited to the following:
1) We have realised a new class of photonic microwave cavity resonators, which exhibit modes of anyon symmetry. The cavity resonators exhibit monochromatic modes with non-zero helicity. We implement Poynting theorem and show that such modes will have enhanced coupling to low-mass axions, this manifest through the axion modifications to Maxwell’s equations adding electromagnetic chirality.
2) We use Poynting theorem to analyze the power and frequency upconversion techniques in the AC haloscope. Such haloscopes necessarily implement two modes in one resonator. We highlight some new advantages over the DC haloscopes that this technique offers when putting limits on axion couplings.
3) We discuss the sensitivity of lumped element detectors through the use of Poynting theorem.
4) It is also now known that dark matter axion haloscopes that operate to detect axions via the two-photon anomaly are also sensitive to gravitation radiation through the inverse Gertsenshtein effect. We discuss how our experimental program may be modified to allow the search for gravitational waves at high frequencies.