First Use of a Longitudinally Polarized Target with CLAS12

26 Sept 2022, 16:00


Helmholtz Institute Mainz Staudingerweg 18 55128 Mainz


Dr Christopher Keith (Jefferson Lab)


A new dynamically polarized target of irradiated ammonia (NH$_3$ and ND$_3$) has been constructed for use with the CLAS12 spectrometer system in Hall B at Jefferson Lab. The new target is used to polarize protons and deuterons in the longitudinal orientation at a temperature of 1 K and a field of 5 T. Its first use with CLAS12 includes measurements of spin structure functions via deep inelastic scattering, transverse momentum distribution functions via semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering, and generalized parton distribution functions of protons and neutrons via deeply virtual Compton scattering. In this presentation, the target's design, operation, and first results with electrons beams of 5-10 nA in Hall B will be given.

Category Polarized Targets

Primary author

Dr Christopher Keith (Jefferson Lab)


Mr Chris Carlin (Jefferson Lab) Mr James Brock (Jefferson Lab) Dr James Maxwell (Jefferson Lab) Ms Pushpa Pandey (Old Dominion University) Dr Tsuneo Kageya (Jefferson Lab) Ms Victoria Lagerquist (Old Dominion University) Dr Xiangdong Wei (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials