Felix Kahlhoefer
(DESY, Hamburg)
12/12/16, 2:30 PM
Abstract: The interpretation of dark matter direct detection experiments is complicated by the
fact that neither the astrophysical distribution of dark matter nor the properties of its particle
physics interactions with nuclei are known in detail. I will present a new framework that combines
the full formalism of non-relativistic effective interactions with state-of-the-art...
Ken ́ichi Saikawa
(DESY; Hamburg)
12/12/16, 2:55 PM
Abstract: The axion arises as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson from the spontaneous breaking
of a hypothetical global Peccei-Quinn symmetry introduced to provide a solution to the strong CP
problem of quantum chromodynamics. Due to the weakness of the coupling with ordinary
matters, the axion is regarded as a viable candidate of dark matter of the universe. However, there
is a theoretical...
Darko Veberic
(KIT, Karlsruhe)
12/12/16, 3:20 PM
Michael Duerr
(DESY, Hamburg)
12/12/16, 4:10 PM
Abstract: A reliable comparison of different dark matter searches requires models that satisfy
certain consistency conditions like gauge invariance and perturbative unitarity. These conditions
can easily be satisfied in U(1)' extensions of the Standard Model, where a fermionic dark matter
candidate as well as a new Z' gauge boson obtain their mass from the spontaneous breaking of
the U(1)' by...