26–28 May 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone
Deadline for expressing interest in the proceedings: 7th June

Towards efficient and reliable ISOL production of 225Ac: Placing an upper bound on collection efficiency.

27 May 2021, 15:05


Jake Johnson (KU Leuven)


Contribution12 (20+5)

Primary author

Jake Johnson (KU Leuven)


Prof. Thomas Elias Cocolios (KU Leuven) Dr Charlotte Duchemin (CERN, KU Leuven) Dr Reinhard Heinke (CERN, KU Leuven) Dr Frank Bruchertseifer (European comission joint research centre) Ms Wiktoria Wojtaczka (Ku Leuven) Mr Michael Heines (KU Leuven) Mr Kristof Dockx (KU Leuven) Ms Sophie Hurier (SCK CEN belgian nuclear research centre, KU Leuven) Mr Benji Leenders (SCK CEN belgian nuclear research centre, Ghent University) Dr Stephan Heinitz (SCK CEN belgian nuclear research centre) Ms Hanna Skliarova (SCK CEN belgian nuclear research centre) Dr Thierry Stora (CERN )

Presentation materials

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